David vs. Goliath Litigation

Sometimes a situation arises that requires swift and immediate action in the form of a Temporary Restraining Order. Such was the case for one of THE BERENT LAW FIRM'S business clients. The Firm's client is engaged in an industry where personal relationships and the utmost professionalism and decorum are paramount. The Company was suddenly and unexpectedly presented with an imminent crisis that could have destroyed its business.
A third-party, armed with unwarranted vengeance, sought to defame the Company, its President and tortiously interfere with the Company's business relationship with its largest account. The account in issue is with a very prominent and well known Dallas establishment. Any disruptions in this relationship would not only cost the Company its account, but would have landed both the Company and its client on the front page of the Dallas Morning News.
THE BERENT LAW FIRM, which prides itself in long-term relationships with clients, has represented this particular Company for nearly a decade. With unique skill andexperience in filing emergency Petitions seeking Temporary Restraining Orders, THE BERENT LAW FIRM immediately went to work. Working closely and intensely with the client, the Firm succeeded in having a Petition on file and a Temporary Restraining Order entered within twenty-four hours of the threatened conduct. The Temporary Restraining Order subsequently became a Permanent Injunction, meaning the Company is forever protected from defamation and tortious interference with its account by the third-party.
THE BERENT LAW FIRM is pleased to announce the following successful results recently secured on behalf of the Firm's clients
The Firm secured a UNANIMOUS JURY VERDICT just under $400,000 in a business litigation matter on behalf of a Real Estate Investment Trust that is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
The Firm secured the COMPLETE VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL of all claims brought against a commercial photographer who was sued under multiple theories of liability.